Creative Arts Therapy Programming at APA 2018

If you’re interested in creative and expressive arts therapy, this year’s APA convention has an expanded range of programming devoted to Creative Arts in Psychology and Therapy. See the PDF schedule file below for all […]

Congratulations to Our New Officers for 2018!

The results of our division’s recent elections are in, so congratulations are in order for our incoming officers: President-Elect: Jennifer Katz-Buonincontro Secretary: SueHyeon Paek Treasurer: Allyn Enderlyn Member at Large: Jessica Hoffman International Representative: Mathias […]

If you’re near Pace University on May 11th (11am-3pm), there’s a Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, & the Arts colloquium event there, featuring presentations by Pablo Tinio (Montclair State University), James Kaufman (University of Connecticut) and […]

Archive of Creativity Tasks and Scales for Research Use

Looking for tasks and scales to use in creativity research? You might check out an Open Science Framework archive of creativity tasks and scales that are free for public use. Some of the files are […]

Access Teresa Amabile’s Classic Creativity Data

Creativity researchers will surely find this interesting. Academic researchers now have free access to data from Dr. Teresa Amabile’s daily diary study of 200+ professionals working on 26 creative projects in 7 companies in 3 […]

Submit to Present at the IAEA 2018 Convention

Want to present at IAEA? The next congress of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics (IAEA) will take place in Toronto, Canada on August 30 to September 02, 2018. The submission deadlines are coming up: […]

Logos, Logos, Everywhere Logos!

Our division recently found itself in need of a logo. Our publisher, APA Journals, asked if we had one to use in future issues of Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, our fine journal. […]

Interested in Serving in Division 10’s Leadership?

The Society for the Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts holds annual elections for its leadership positions. Election time is nearing, so it’s time for members who might be interested in getting involved in […]

Division 10’s 2018 APA Convention Program!

Each year, Division 10 puts on quite a show at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association. For the meeting in San Francisco in August 2018, Mary Gregerson and Roni Reiter-Palmon, our valiant program […]

Congratulations to the 2018 Award Winners!

The winners are in! Here are the recipients of the 2018 awards for the Society for the Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. Frank X. Barron Award The Barron award honors superior research contributions […]