Awards & Recognitions

The Society for the Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts gives out four awards. Three of them—the Berlyne, Arnheim, and Barron Awards—are open to nominations and given annually. The fourth—the Farnsworth outstanding service award—is not given every year and is awarded at the Award Committee’s discretion.

Berlyne Award

The Division presents the Berlyne Award in recognition of outstanding research by a junior scholar. The award is named in honor of Daniel E. Berlyne, who served as president of Division 10 from 1974-1975. Dr. Berlyne, who conducted landmark research on the psychology of aesthetics and wrote the touchstone book Aesthetics and Psychobiology, died at the age of 52 in 1976.

In reviewing the history of Division 10, past presidents Cupchik, Arnheim, and Martindale noted, “The research that emerged from [Berlyne’s] laboratory represented the zenith of classical experimental aesthetics in the twentieth century and inspired a generation of scholars.”

  • John Baer, 1992
  • Linda Hamilton, 1993
  • Dennis Brophy, 1996
  • Gregory Feist, 2000
  • Todd Lubart, 2001
  • Jonathan Plucker, 2001
  • Elena Grigorenko, 2002
  • Joseph Kasof, 2002
  • James Kaufman, 2003
  • Helmut Leder, 2004
  • Oshin Vartanian, 2005
  • Paul Silvia, 2006
  • Aaron Kozbelt, 2007
  • Igor Uricevic, 2007
  • Ronald A. Beghetto, 2008
  • Kyung Hee Kim, 2009
  • Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, 2010
  • Liana Gabora, 2011
  • Scott Barry Kaufman, 2012
  • Zorana Ivcevic, 2014
  • Pablo Tinio, 2014
  • Mathias Benedek, 2015
  • Jen Katz-Buonincontro, 2016
  • Thalia Goldstein, 2016
  • Baptiste Barbot, 2017
  • Marcos Nadal, 2017
  • Jennifer Drake, 2018
  • Vlad Glăveanu, 2018
  • Roger Beaty, 2019
  • Richard Hass, 2019
  • Nils Myszkowski, 2020
  • Matthew Pelowski, 2020
  • Yoed Kenett, 2021
  • Darya Zabelina, 2021
  • Selcuk Acar, 2022
  • Izabela Lebuda, 2022
  • Denis Dumas, 2023
  • Boris Forthmann, 2024
  • Christian Rominger, 2024

Arnheim Award

Our Executive Committee also requests nominations for the Rudolf Arnheim Award for Outstanding Achievement in Psychology and the Arts. The recipient presents the Arnheim address at the annual APA Convention, and it is subsequently published in the Division Bulletin.

The award is named in honor of Rudolf Arnheim, who served as Division 10 president three times (1957-1958, 1965-1966, 1970-1971). The award for outstanding achievement was renamed for Dr. Arnheim after he received the inaugural award in 1990.

  • Rudolf Arnheim, 1990
  • Julian Hochberg, 1992
  • Howard Gruber, 1993
  • Ravenna Helson, 1995
  • Frank Barron, 1996
  • Dean Keith Simonton, 1997
  • Colin Martindale, 1998
  • Irving Child, 1999
  • Ellen Winner, 2000
  • John Kennedy, 2001
  • Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, 2002
  • Claire Golomb, 2003
  • Diana Deutsch, 2004
  • Robert Sternberg, 2005
  • Paul Locher, 2007
  • Jerome Singer, 2008
  • Ruth Richards, 2009
  • Gerald Cupchik, 2010
  • Jeffrey Smith, 2011
  • Jonathan A. Plucker, 2012
  • Lisa F. Smith, 2013
  • Thomas B. Ward, 2014
  • Sandra Russ, 2015
  • Anjan Chatterjee, 2016
  • James C. Kaufman, 2017
  • Ronald Beghetto, 2018
  • Michael Mumford, 2019
  • Helmut Leder, 2020
  • Elena Grigorenko, 2021
  • Oshin Vartanian, 2022
  • Mark Runco, 2023
  • Paul Silvia, 2023
  • Roni Reiter-Palmon, 2024

Barron Award

Created in 2006, this award honors superior contributions to the psychology of aesthetics, creativity, and the arts by students. The award honors notable creativity researcher Frank X. Barron.

  • Michelle Hilscher, 2007
  • Scott Barry Kaufman, 2008
  • C. Boyd Hegarty, 2009
  • Thalia Goldstein, 2010
  • Valorie Salimpoor, 2011
  • Pablo Tinio, 2011
  • Darya L. Zabelina, 2012
  • Rodica Damian, 2013
  • Marie Forgeard, 2013
  • Ben Wigert, 2014
  • Roger Beaty, 2015
  • Emily Nusbaum, 2015
  • Sue Hyeon Paek, 2017
  • Christa Taylor, 2018
  • Alexander S. McKay, 2019
  • Eva Specker, 2019
  • Katherine Cotter, 2020
  • Jillian Hogan, 2021
  • Wendy Ross, 2021
  • Ana Clemente, 2022
  • Rebekah Rodriguez-Boerwinkle, 2023
  • Anna Fekete, 2024
  • Megan Stutesman, 2024

Farnsworth Award

This award honors outstanding service to the division. It is named in honor of Paul Farnsworth, the first president of Division 10 (1945-1949).

The Farnsworth Award is not an annual award and is given at the discretion of the Awards Committee.

  • Stephanie Dudek, 2000
  • Colin Martindale, 2001
  • Sandra Russ, 2002
  • Robert Sternberg, 2003
  • Marianne Simmel, 2004
  • Jeffrey K. Smith, Lisa F. Smith, and Colin Martindale, 2008
  • Jerome Singer, 2009
  • Nathan Kogan, 2010
  • Dean Keith Simonton, 2011
  • Jeffrey K. Smith, Lisa F. Smith, & James C. Kaufman, 2012
  • Paul Locher, 2013
  • Roni Reiter-Palmon & Pablo Tinio, 2018
  • Heather Snyder, 2019
  • Paul Silvia, 2021